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Instagram posts @the_greenwell

Shana Tova to all our family, friends and clients celebrating today 😊
Shana Tova to all our family, friends and clients celebrating today 😊3 years ago
Hmmm... the point that you know you should've followed your own frequent advice for injuries.

I rolled my ankle a week ago and although it's no longer painful the tissues are certainly still injured... what I didn't do at the time was:


Although RICE 🍚 is a bit tricky when you're camping πŸ• with two small children πŸ§‘πŸΌπŸ‘§πŸ»

Now fluid is being retained around the ankle as the damaged tissues are inhibiting the normal function of the lymphatic system.

But even a week after an injury you can still promote healing. After work I'll massage it, ice it 🧊 and elevate it... think I might even crack out the compression socks 🧦 tomorrow πŸ˜†

#anklesprain #RICE #injuryrecovery #injurymassage
Hmmm... the point that you know you should've followed your own frequent advice for injuries. I rolled my ankle a week ago and although it's no longer painful the tissues are certainly still injured... what I didn't do at the time was: Rest Ice Compress Elevate Although RICE 🍚 is a bit tricky when you're camping πŸ• with two small children πŸ§‘πŸΌπŸ‘§πŸ» Now fluid is being retained around the ankle as the damaged tissues are inhibiting the normal function of the lymphatic system. But even a week after an injury you can still promote healing. After work I'll massage it, ice it 🧊 and elevate it... think I might even crack out the compression socks 🧦 tomorrow πŸ˜† #anklesprain #RICE #injuryrecovery #injurymassage3 years ago
Definitely a 'first day back at school' vibe happening here.

We're looking forward to the Autumn πŸ‚ and everything it brings 😊

We're also very excited about our new enterprise - @moon_womens_health - which we'll let you know more about very soon!

* Mask removed for illustrative purposes πŸ˜†

#massage #sportsmassage #pregnancymassage #remedialmassage #millhill #archway #tufnellpark
Definitely a 'first day back at school' vibe happening here. We're looking forward to the Autumn πŸ‚ and everything it brings 😊 We're also very excited about our new enterprise - @moon_womens_health - which we'll let you know more about very soon! * Mask removed for illustrative purposes πŸ˜† #massage #sportsmassage #pregnancymassage #remedialmassage #millhill #archway #tufnellpark3 years ago
As flattering as it is, I really hope we can ditch some of this get-up very soon...

#covidsafe #ppe #massage #sportsmassage #pregnanymassage #remedialmassage #millhill #archway #tufnellpark #nw7 #n19 #nw5
As flattering as it is, I really hope we can ditch some of this get-up very soon... #covidsafe #ppe #massage #sportsmassage #pregnanymassage #remedialmassage #millhill #archway #tufnellpark #nw7 #n19 #nw53 years ago